NZ Alert level 2. Beauty services and hair salons
New Zealand COVID-19 
NZ Alert Level 2 on Thursday 14 May. Finally, we are ready to reopen.
As you may already aware New Zealand will move to Alert Level 2 this Thursday. And now we are ready to accept bookings!
If you didn't receive feedback within 24 hours.
Dear Customers,
we are receiving absolutely amazing feedback from you and we are so happy to see you again in our salon. We do personal best to arrange bookings and reply as soon as possible and double-check there are no messages left not responded, but please don't hesitate to give me a call (021 203 2245) if you haven't received a reply within a day.
All the best wishes to all of you and hope to see you soon!
NZ COVID-19 Alert Level 2 rules:
according to the official information from COVID-19 website New Zealand beauty and hair salons will be allowed to restart business and begin providing services following safety requirements. Here is the citation below:
Work involving close personal contact
For some businesses, close personal contact is required to deliver a service. This includes:
- hairdressers
- home help providers.
These businesses can operate if they have measures like:
- have a robust contact tracing system in place
- maintain good hygiene practices
- minimise contact to the extent possible.
Specific guidance for key sectors is being developed by the Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment and WorkSafe.
Best regards,